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Sports and Fitness

In the world of movement, I stopped my favorite moments

If you think about it, photographing means freezing a moment.

A shot is nothing more than a snapshot of a precise period of time, of a movement, of an expression.

During my travels, always accompanied by my camera, I had the opportunity to try my hand at "sports photography" on several occasions. I love reportage in general but this type of photography is the one that has allowed me to reflect in more detail on how communication in sport is expressed at 360° through a thousand languages. From body language to non-verbal language, from facial expressions to the language of colours... I noticed it when looking at the photos taken on different occasions (even very distant from each other temporally).

For example, I happened to shoot an indoor training session inside a gym. The shot stopped at the moment of maximum traction of a movement performed by a woman training in a back exercise. His expression at that precise moment was in my opinion the maximum communication of what his physical and mental state was at that moment. From the contraction of the lips to the clenching of the fists... every detail, over time, continued to bring that precise sensation back to my mind. Another example of "image communication" is that of the photograph taken during a boxing match.

The shot stopped to immortalize the exact moment of receiving a resounding punch.

And by "sonic" I mean the acoustic meaning! Even today, looking back at that photo, my mind recalls that splash, that experience. Sports photography for me is truly more than a simple archive activity: it is communication and testimony of how much work, emotion and commitment there is behind every match, every training and every performance.

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